Business cards

The front
The business cards in the Danish Agro group are having a front with the data of the employer. 

As a standard the front has a large image of what the employee is working with – for example cattle feed – and the few cases, where there is no proper image, there can be used a logo green background instead. If several different employees are working with the same topic, there should be used different images that all has something to do with cattle feed. By doing this each business card gets its own unique look. It is, however, allowed to use the same image more than once. 

Paper quality
White, silk, varnish, 350 gr.

The back
On the back of the business card the information of the company is shown. If the company is a machinery importer or dealer the logo of the primary brand can be shown next to the company logo. 

Grid and fonts

Fonts on front of business card
The name of the employee is written in Clan Pro, bold, 8 pt, black. The title, phone and e-mail is written in The Mix B, light 7,5 pt, black. 

Font on back on business card
Both address, company phone and web address is written in The Mix B, light 7,5 pt, black.

Machinery brands
When placing a machinery brand on the back of the business card, the size of the letters in the brand name should have the same height as the small letters in the company logo (Cyan grid). If the brand logo has graphic elements, the logo can have a height like the letters in the company logo without the trademark (Magenta grid). The brand logo may never seem larger than the company logo. 

Pictures on business cards

The card can be made with a picture that shows the working area of the employee, an office building or whatever comes in mind - as long as it matches the requirements for pictures in general.