The Danish Agro group and all the subsidiary logos have the same trademark – the two leaves.
The trademark represents growth, development and progress and provides a visual link to our industry.
It combines the subsidiaries together with a visual link across the group that strengthens our branding - every company in the Danish Agro group are Cultivating Value.

The trademark should be shown in colours on a 100% white background whenever possible.

Please respect a minimum distance of 30% of the trademark's own size.

Allowed colours
Please respect that it is ONLY the options below that are allowed.

Logo green or logo blue trademark on white background.

Trademark with agriculture skin on white background.

Black trademark on white background.

Black trademark on a light grey background.

White trademark on a dark grey or black background.

White trademark on logo green or logo blue background.

Disallowed colours and special effects

Do not use outline.

Do not add drop shadows.

Do not add special effects.

Do not add gradient.

Do not use red or any other colours.

Do not rotate.

Do not flip or mirror.

Do not skew.

Do not stretch.

Do not blur.

Do not use pictures that don't have an agricultural motive or ruins the shape of the trademark.

Do not use motives that grows out of the trademark.

Creativity with limits
Creative use of logo and trademark is allowed, as long as it follows our guidelines. As an example, do not use multiple trademarks as shown below.

More examples...
The do's and don'ts regarding how to use the trademark of the Danish Agro group is based on the same rules as the logo.