Payoff - Cultivating Value

Cultivating Value is the payoff of the Danish Agro group and it used by every subsidiaries. It describes the group’s focus on developing and creating value for our customers. A focus we aim to live by every day.

  • Cultivating refers to our passionate wish of strengthening, growing and refining concrete products and human capabilities and knowledge.
  • Value refers to the value creation we wish to see our customers build up when doing business with us whether it being concrete results on the farm or through improved knowledge.

How and when to use

The payoff is used as an extra 'signature' at the bottom of a product sheet, advertisement or similar. It may never stand alone and should always be shown next to the company logo, both elements in their seperat corner.

When the payoff is placed next to the company logo it must be a sudden size - more specific shall the high of the payoff be the same size as the small letters in the logo.

The company logo should be aligned left and the payoff aligned right. Never insert the payoff below the company logo. If you want to use this combination, please use the logo file with the payoff included.

Why is our pay-off written in English?

The reason for presenting Cultivating Value in English throughout the group is based in our wish to create a strong group identity across borders and subsidiaries.

We wish to ensure that our core values and focus on creating value is in focus across the group. All to the benefit of our customers. We also wish to show, that we are an international company with a clear, strong profile towards suppliers and other business partners.

When writing Cultivating Value in a text it should always be written in italic.