We use two fonts... and a third...
Clan Pro and The Mix B are the primary fonts used in the branding of the Danish Agro group. Both fonts are used for printed materials and web banners, and both fonts can be used together in the same context.

Clan Pro
Primarily used in headers (capitals in Regular), fact boxes/graphic captions and text in icons and graphic elements.

The Mix B Light is used for body text in every production - the other versions of the font can be used as subheadings, explanation boxes etc.

The Calibri font is the default font in our e-mails, PowerPoint presentations, written letters and other office-based releases.

How to use the fonts correctly
Headlines shall always be written in Clan Pro Regular in uppercase (capitals) with a suitable margin for the others elements around it. We would rather have too much air than almost none. Teaser text or body text shall be written in The Mix B in either SemiBold or Light as shown below:

By June 2020 we updated the Clan font from Clan OT to Clan Pro. The new font has all the characters that is need in the diffirent contries - which the old one ditn't.
To be up to date you'll need to update every font in your graphic work. Clan Pro have fewer versions that Clan OT, and you'll there need to transform the fonts as shown below. The same applies to The Mix B which has gone from eight to three version.
Please convert the fonts in every document to: